

The Dota2菠菜 is a one-stop shop for early-stage and start-up companies in Stark County, OH. The alliance provides assistance in all aspects of creating and growing a business including business consulting, 招聘管理, 融资, 房地产, 产品创新, 指导和辅导, 法律和会计, 和更多的.

What makes us different from other 项目 is that we have the resources to assist more complex start-ups involving technology, 资本投资和国内或全球销售机会.

我们欢迎您浏览我们的网站, 熟悉我们的合作伙伴, check out our calendar of events and spend some time getting to know our services and what we’re all about. Then call us at 330-453-5900 or use our convenient application form to connect with us for assistance. 我们期待收到您的来信.

SEA is funded primarily by a three-year charitable grant from the Stark Community Foundation out of the Credit Bureau of Canton’s Small Business Fund and by a contribution from Innis Maggiore.


Dota2菠菜是一个帮助创业的虚拟网络, 斯塔克县的早期和中小型公司, 哦,区域.

合作组织包括斯塔克州立大学, Dota2菠菜网, 小企业发展中心(肯特州立大学斯塔克分校), Mount Union大学, 广州地区商会, 北广东商会, 影响天使基金, 公司ubox, ystark!, 启动, 布伦特里商业发展中心, 分数, 俄亥俄州中东部青少年成就, 公司.以及斯塔克经济发展委员会.

我们的目标是成为寻求帮助的公司成立的单一入口点, 增长和持续生存能力. The alliance provides assistance in all aspects of creating and growing a business including business consulting, 招聘管理, 融资, 房地产, 产品创新, 指导和辅导, 法律和会计, 和更多的.

与同类项目不同的是,我们有意愿, 经验和资源,以协助更复杂的初创企业涉及技术, 资本投资和国内或全球销售机会.

To support development of entrepreneurial activity in Stark County that includes development of start-up businesses and growth and improvement of existing 小型企业. 我们的最终目标是在本地区创造新的就业机会和经济增长.

The alliance will use its administrative and financial resources to build a virtual network of key organizations and 专业s to fulfill its mission by leveraging existing 项目 and services offered to support entrepreneurship, and by building new resources and offerings with partners when these capabilities are not currently available.



斯塔克经济发展委员会.是一家私营的非营利性公司,从事斯塔克县的经济发展活动. 委员会的使命是保留、扩大和吸引该地区的商业投资. HCDC公司. is now offering SBA 504 and Ohio Regional 166 loans through a partnership with 斯塔克经济发展委员会 to help 小型企业 in our community.


影响天使基金 is a venture capital fund with over 30 private investors from eight counties and matching funds from the Ohio Third Frontier Program. 我们将投资于本地区和整个俄亥俄州的早期技术公司.


- - - 广州地区商会 一个会员制组织近1人,600个致力于经济发展的机构和个人, 工业, 专业, 斯塔克县的文化和公民福利. 广州地区商会的使命是通过合作伙伴关系为我们的会员服务, 项目, 服务和活动,以促进广州和斯塔克县地区的经济增长.


自1959年以来, 北广东地区商会 一直是我们地区领先的商业组织吗, 合作, 促进和倡导我们的会员和社区. 我们致力于促进发展, retention and expansion of local business while also devoting significant time and resources to community 项目 and projects.


启动 一个国家认可的非营利组织是否在加速不同企业家的成功, 他们的高增长公司, 以及支持它们的生态系统. 启动’s vision is to increase the economic impact and sustainability of Northeast Ohio’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, 同时利用启动的经验和专业知识来促进创业.


- - - 小企业发展中心, 肯特州立大学斯塔克分校是一所全额资助的大学, 非营利组织致力于帮助小企业成长和个人开始新的生活, 小型企业. The SBDC does this through training 项目 and consultation sessions which are scheduled in advance.


斯塔克州立大学 提供质量, 高价值副学士学位, 证书和专业发展在多样化, 以学生为中心的学习环境. 学院致力于终身学习, 可购性, 可转学的高等教育和职业成功. 生活质量是通过获取而提高的, 包容, 管理和商业和社区伙伴关系.


-通过联盟城市之间的合作努力建立, 联合山大学和联盟地区发展, INCUBOX 当地的企业孵化器项目是为了激发创意和加速企业的发展吗. 在Mount Union大学校园里设有办公室, INCUBOX incubates all kinds of companies while connecting both student and local entrepreneurs to the real world environments of startup, 早期和成功的商业运作. 公司ubox还监督着一个由导师驱动的密集项目.

Mount Union大学Mount Union大学

-学生在 Mount Union大学 actively engage in a deliberately dynamic private university setting featuring a remarkable campus and facilities. 学生从个人准备中受益, practical and pertinent for the 21st century—an education that combines relentlessly relevant academic offerings with experiential and research-focused learning. Mount Union为所有学生开设了创业辅修课程.


Dota2菠菜网 是一所独立的、男女同校的天主教文理学院吗. 由基督教教友会创立, Dota2菠菜网 is dedicated to educating its students to become leaders in service to others through a values-based education with an international perspective in the Judeo-Christian tradition. 沃尔什商学院在研究生商业项目中提供创业MBA学位.


ystark! 一个组织是否致力于通过知识来改善我们的社区, 领导与参与. ystark! 这里是否为地区企业培养一支年轻、敬业、受过良好教育的劳动力队伍. 我们希望我们的商业伙伴知道我们在那里, 吸引并留住多元化的年轻专业人才. 为了我们的商业伙伴,史塔克! 代表无限制地进入最敏锐,最活跃的yp池.


-提供的课程 俄亥俄州中东部青少年成就 help prepare young people for the real world by showing them how to generate wealth and effectively manage it, how to create jobs which make their communities more robust and how to apply entrepreneurial thinking to the workplace.


- - - 布伦特里商业发展中心 is a non-profit regional entrepreneurial assistance organization (often called a business incubator) supporting 小型企业 in Northeast Ohio. 自1986年以来,一百多家初创公司在我们这里找到了他们的第一个家. 我们专注于先进制造, 可替代能源, 信息技术, 生物科学, 农业/食品加工.


- - - 俄亥俄州坎顿分会 provides free and confidential business advice and counseling tailored to meet the needs of your small business and personal objectives. 我们还为初创企业和创业企业家提供研讨会.


The Alliance will assist early-stage or start-up companies and small to medium size businesses in the Stark County area. The goal of the Alliance is to create a “one stop” or single point of entry for these companies seeking assistance in their formation, 增长和持续生存能力. 该联盟将在创建和发展业务的各个方面提供帮助,包括, 但不限于, 以下几点:


提供专业或专家的建议对企业家发展公司很重要. No-cost services from the 小企业发展中心 (SBDC) or from the 斯塔克经济发展委员会 (SEDB) can be leveraged initially. 对于涉及新技术的更复杂的初创企业, 将聘请主题专家和导师协助企业家发展公司.


- - - Alliance Partners have access to both regional and local funds for select entrepreneurs who can grow their companies significantly through new products or processes developed in many cases with new technologies. 传统贷款和联邦贷款, state and local 融资 项目 can also be explored by the Partners to assist with company growth.


– Recruiting management for early stage companies is a service that is critical to the growth of young companies. Several of the Alliance Partners can directly assist in this function or have contacts that can assist in recruiting efforts.


-若干区域和地方组织可协助提供与产品开发有关的服务. Alliance Partners also will have access to subject matter experts who can also coach the entrepreneur in 产品创新.


-特别是新技术, legal services are needed to assist with procuring patents to protect entrepreneurs in growing their companies. The Partners will be able to suggest attorneys or accountants who can provide 专业 services to early stage companies.


– Several of the Alliance Partners provide incubation space to select new technology companies (office and product development space). 作为此服务的一部分, 有几个合伙人保持准确, 可供租赁或购买的建筑物和场地的最新清单.
